Optimise the event handling of your React components by using the useEvent hook.

While using the EventListener API, you will need to use the useEffect hook to update the event listener. but, not handling the cleanup may cause slowing down of the project.

In this way even the simplest callback needs atleast 3 lines of code. Using the hook helpd to maintain a clean code without worring about the cleanup.

The hooks requires three parameters - event, callback and element(optional). The Element is window by default, but you can use any React Element refer.

import { useEffect, useRef } from 'react'

 * Hook to use event listener
 * @param event - Window event name
 * @param callback - Callback function
 * @param element - Element to attach event listener to
export function useEvent(event, callback, element) {
	// Create a ref that stores handler
	const handler = useRef()

	useEffect(() => {
		// Define the listening target
		const targetElement = element?.current || window
		if (!(targetElement && targetElement.addEventListener)) return
		// Update saved handler if necessary
		if (handler.current !== callback) handler.current = callback
		// Add event listener
		const eventListener = (event) => {
			if (!!handler?.current) handler.current(event)
		targetElement.addEventListener(event, eventListener)
		// cleanup
		return () => {
			targetElement.removeEventListener(event, eventListener)
	}, [event, element, callback])
export default useEvent

import { useState } from 'react'
import useEvent from 'hooks/use-event'
const [value, setValue] = useState('')
useEvent('scroll', (e) => setValue(e.target.scrollTop))
<div>Scroll top : {value}</div>